Uncomfortable conversations are often the most important. And when it comes to awkward topics, for many, money would claim a pretty high rung on the ladder. But the reality is, young Australians can't afford to avoid it any longer.
Uncomfortable conversations are often the most important. And when it comes to awkward topics, for many, money would claim a pretty high rung on the ladder. But the reality is, young Australians can't afford to avoid it any longer.
Younger generations cop a lot of flak when it comes to money - whether it's Euro vacations or ordering caramel lattes with avocado toast, they are often painted as frivolous with cash. But how do we expect Millennials and Gen Z's to get ahead when they're facing constant setbacks from inflation to flatlining wages and a housing market that seems beyond the reach of anyone who can't access 'The Bank of Mum and Dad'?
As a journalist I've seen how emotive the generational wealth divide can be as an issue- it's a hot one - and yet there's still so much more to explore.
https://omny.fm/shows/the-pay-off-with-sylvia-jeffreys/should-prime-minister-anthony-albanese-get-your-vo/embed?style=coverIn collaboration with 9Podcasts, my new podcast The Pay Off with Sylvia Jeffreys is looking closely and sometimes uncomfortably at this issue - how we can practically help younger Aussies to get ahead and stay ahead when the system seems stacked against them.
In choosing a place to start, I decided to head straight to the top. In my first two episodes, I sit down with the man running the country, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, and the man vying for his job, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.
As we edge closer to a federal election, young Australians should feel empowered because for the first time in history Gen Z and Millennials will outnumber baby boomers at the ballot box. And there's nothing more powerful than casting an informed vote. So, in these first two episodes, you'll hear both political leaders like you haven't heard them before as we get into the issues and policies that will shape the lives of Australians for years to come.
https://omny.fm/shows/the-pay-off-with-sylvia-jeffreys/should-opposition-leader-peter-dutton-get-your-vot/embed?style=coverFor the record, this isn't a political podcast, but rather, a guide for how to make the most of your money even in times of financial stress. To do that, each week I'm sitting down with some of the biggest names in the business, including Mark Bouris, Meggie Palmer, Jessica Irvine and Bianca Hartge-Hazelman.
When I pitched this podcast, I wanted it to have a real impact on our listeners - not a beat-around-the-bush, avoid the awkward stuff kind of production. I can confidently say after sitting down to pick the brains of a few of these powerhouses already, The Pay Off will make a difference.
Even if you're someone who's bored by the idea of budgeting or feels completely lost when it comes to investing, my hope is that every conversation can offer new insights, knowledge and practical tools that can apply to your life.
Money doesn't have to be uncomfortable - so let's chat!
The Pay Off with Sylvia Jeffreys is out now and a new episode publishes for free every Thursday. Search "The Pay Off" in your podcast app or tap here.