Terms of Use

NOTE: Depending on your country, "Terms of Use" sometimes can be referred to as "Terms & Conditions".

By using NetFM websites and apps, you accept these Terms of Use and are bound by them. If you do not accept these Terms of Use, you should not use NetFM websites and apps.

We may amend these Terms of Use in whole or in part from time to time. Amendments will be effective immediately when we post the amended Terms of Use on the NetFM website. You are responsible for ensuring you are familiar with the latest Terms of Use. By continuing to use this website, you agree to be bound by the Terms of Use as amended (whether or not you have received any amendments).



The copyright for all content (including, by not limited to text, audio and images) provided here is held by NetFM Inc (Delaware, USA), from third parties.

Music used by NetFM is available for your personal, non commercial listening pleasure only, subject to the Copyright Act 1968. All downloaded audio which contains music must be deleted from your device after 30 days.

Unless otherwise stated the content may not be copied or used on other internet sites, apps, publications (electronic or physical), recorded or rebroadcast without the express permission of NetFM Inc. in writing.

You may link to any pages within the websites should you wish to do so, but please be aware that some content may be removed when it's copyright expires.

NetFM Inc. is not responsible for the content of external links from NetFM websites or apps.



These feeds are for personal use only. No audio or text may be posted to a website, distributed to a third party or broadcast via any means including (but not limited to) radio, television and the internet, other than by using the Embedded Audio Player in accordance with these Terms of Use, except with the express permission of NetFM Inc.

All material is copyright NetFM Inc. or used by permission.



The RSS Feeds must not be used to aggregate content on other websites. They are intended for personal use only.



You may use then Embedded Audio Player to embed certain audio clips from this site on other internet sites for non-commercial use only. This means that you may not directly or indirectly charge others for accessing or listening to the audio clip, or commercialise or attempt to re-sell the audio clip in any way.

The software code of the Embedded Audio Player may be is made available to you from time to time, to copy and paste the audio clip into the other internet site so that the audio clip can be played on that other site. The audio clip is made available on a non-exclusive basis.

You may not display or allow access to the audio clip on Youtube or any other content sharing website or where it is on or in connection with certain restricted products or services, namely those products or services which:

  • contain pornography and sexually explicit content;
  • contain offensive text or images;
  • incite hatred on any grounds or otherwise encourage or facilitate anti-social behaviour;
  • contain gratuitous violence or promote, encourage or facilitate violence;
  • promote, encourage or facilitate terrorism or other activities that risk national security;
  • discriminate against any specific social group or otherwise exploit vulnerable sections of society;
  • promote, facilitate or encourage illegal activity;
  • are misleading, defamatory, or that contain illegal or otherwise objectionable content;
  • infringe individual privacy;
  • put the welfare of children at risk;
  • NetFM Inc. reasonably considers may damage NetFM's reputation or may otherwise bring NetFM into disrepute.

You may not use the Embedded Audio Player to distribute software viruses or other harmful code that may harm this site or the content available on this site.

The Embedded Audio Player, software code relating to the Embedded Audio Player and the audio content may not be changed, edited or added to.

NetFM reserves the right to remove any audio clip (including your access to that clip through the Embedded Audio Player) where NetFM Inc. considers that:

  • the clip itself contains anything misleading, defamatory or objectionable, or otherwise would bring NetFM Inc. into disrepute; or may cause NetFM Inc. to incur liability to any third party; or
  • the software code relating to the clip contains any software viruses or harmful code; or
  • you have displayed or allowed access to the audio clip in connection with a restricted product or service (as described above).

NetFM Inc. does not guarantee the Embedded Audio Player or the audio clip itself will be available continuously or will operate error free.


Read the Privacy Policy 


   Copyright © NetFM Inc.